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Annual Astro
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If today is your birthday, you are a Libra.

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Note: For online orders, payment must be made via PayPal. You will be taken to the PayPal website for payment once you place your order. Please make sure the name you enter below matches the name you enter on the PayPal website.

To have Evelyn do a personalized profile for you, please select from the options below:

Astro Natal - Daily Landscape Forecast
This forecast gives you detailed knowledge of your daily life. It can open your eyes to who you can be and what you are capable of achieving. A very comprehensive and detail natal report that identifies when you can expect to take advantage of LUCKY BREAKS. (Bonus Insertion: "Chart Patterns")

$38.95 6-Month Forecast (includes Abundance Summary)
$60.75 12-Month Forecast -includes Interface Life Chapter

Prospective - Lucky Breaks
This report identifies personality traits, talents that may assist you in achieving financial success and personal fulfillment. It clearly identifies the opportunities that await you. (you will know the RHYTHM of your life on a day-by-day basis).
Plus included is an Overview/Summary for the days ahead based on new planet changes (as noted in your birth chart)

$65.00 6-Month Forecast + Additional 30-day Overview
$130.00 12-Month Forecast+ Additional 90-day Overview
$175.50 12-Month + Extra Astrological Insertions

The (consecrated) Venus Stone
The consecrated Venus Stone is a beautiful work of art. (Important: Must be kept out of the reach of children because it is glass) ... Keep it in your wallet for financial gains or hold it in your hand during times of stressful or disappointing occurrences so that your wishes can be positively granted. (Or, keep in a clothes pocket or placed in a sacred place for safe keeping.) Many clients have reported gains, good luck, financial success and positive outcomes since being in their possession. Each Venus Stone is sacred; unique, has its own shape, its own color and its own distinctive markings. To own the Venus (consecrated) Stone should bring rewarding outcomes. Each stone has been personally consecrated for your use. Directions: Should be rinsed in clear water before used and is non-toxic. (Glass: Will chip or break if not handled properly). Important, SAFETY MEASURES ARE IMPERATIVE, "Must be kept out of the reach of children because it is glass").

$6.50 1-Small Consecrated Venus Stone
$12.00 2-Small Consecrated Venus Stones
$22.50 1-Large Consecrated Venus Stone

Oneness Profile
This is a comprehensive personalized profile filled with helpful details to assist you in attaining success more abundantly as you deal with the present. This booklet gives you necessary information based on planetary positions for you to attain an abundant future. Included with this forecast is information you need to deal specifically with a look into the days ahead based on the positions of the planets. Also, this booklet contains details regarding challenges, abilities, and gives you tools necessary to attain those occurrences you deserve.

$125.00 12-Month Forecast (2 natal charts, lots of extras)
$65.00 6-Month Forecast
$35.00 3 Month Forecast

Destiny -Factual Summary
(A factual "summary") ... This MANUAL is a providence summation filled with 12 months of Predictive Information. Your full 12-month personal Manual is a treasure. Included within the pages is information that captures a moment in time; and, the suggestions noted with the forecast information shows you how the planets in the sky can direct your (daily) activities toward fulfillment.

This (fate) Manual is a detailed guide and indicates the kind of information which allows you (on a daily basis) where positive turning points are within the 1-Year forecast cycle.

Plus, many other extras are included in this guide-book --- --- such information shows in detail successes, on-coming challenges and how to obtain your desires and overcome challenges and obstructions. (A daily "time" manual).

$147.50 12-Month Forecast ("Personal Guide" + Notes)
$74.00 6-Month Forecast (Includes Notation Summary)
$37.50 2.5-Month Forecast (Includes extras)

Annual Natal Profile
This is a report that indicates what you can expect during the annual forecast cycle. You will be able each day to have at your finger tips information detailing major events taking hold based specifically on your natal birth chart.

$75.00 12-Month Forecast (with highlight occurrences)

Natal Forecast
This is a forecast that begins with a description of your general characteristics, using an ancient, yet often overlooked technique for anticipating personal style. This forecast also has a complete detailed assessment of how you appear to others (which does challenge your most fundamental assumptions about the way others see you).

$50.00 PLUS 90 Day Forecast

The Decree Report
This 12-month report is a unique blend of astrology, astronomy and philosophy. Your natal chart is carefully calculated to bring accuracy so you can obtain all desires that are rightfully yours. As well, knowledge contained on each page is a toll to utilize in order to improve all aspects of your life. This report actually help you attune your thoughts to the personal potentials that are rightfully yours!

$137.50 12-Month Forecast-Includes many extras
$65.50 6-Month Forecast + Extras
$37.50 3-Month Forecast + Extras

ComPat Report (Includes: Friends & Lovers
Describes in detail your Strengths and Challenges with that special individual in your life. (Natal birth chart descriptions) = Lots of extras included with this Report such as: Your Life Challenges, and, Your Element Balance Descriptions

(Must "also" supply date of birth, time of birth and place of birth for that special person along with your birth info)

$25.00 Includes 2-extra birth charts for both individuals
$47.50 Includes 6-Forecast Summary + 2 Natal Charts

Numerology Manual w/PersonalityScores
This "numbers' report" is a description of your life in Numbers. Numerical patterns associated with your NAME and DATE OF BIRTH reveals so-so much about your personality, your desires, and the precise direction of your life’s pathway. The day on which you were born and the name given you are extremely significant in NUMEROLOGY and they are clearly defined in this fantastic report. This Numerology Report provides you with insight and the descriptives of who you are NOW. This report also details the best times for you to pursue specific goals and objectives, it summarizes finances, relationships and other important life directions.

Bonus inclusion with this report incorporates additional information of coming events in your life for the next 6 months. It has a forecast of “Major important Forecast Dates” of specific events in your life for 6-months!

Extra Bonus Inclusion includes 2 PERSONAL "PERSONALITY LIFE-SCORE REPORTS" detailing your daily option choices. - Very detailed and accurate based on your Natal birth Chart and what major events you can expect within a 12-month cycle.

$60.00 Includes 12-Mo Events Summary + Etras

Shipping/Handling Charges - US Only
Venus Forecast Booklets
(be sure to add shipping and handling charges with your order)

$15.50 = for all orders that total: $ 18.50 to $ 35.00
$18.50 = for all orders that total: $ 36.00 to $100.00
$20.00 = for all orders that total: $101.00 to $150.00

Tarot Report - (Life Occurrence/Expectations)

$47.50 Annual Forecast-12Month Card Spread
$57.50 32-Card Spread w/Extra PredictionForecast

Personal Score Report
This report identifies your true potential based on the analysis of your natal birth chart.

$26.75 Includes Chart Interpretation + 2 Charts
$40.00 Includes 12-mo Major Influence Report + extras
$50.00 Includes 90-day Forecast + Extras

Friends and Lovers
Information detailing compatability - w/ Natal bith chart interpretation / description detailed re indicated (special) friend or lover or other-personal individual in your life. This forecast also contains an extra "30+ day forecast report". --- --- (Must supply date of birth, place and time re that special individual in your life when requesting a Friend or Lovers forecast).

$50.00 6-Month Summary Forecast - for both persons

Your Name:
Street Address:
State:     Zip/Postal Code:    
Home Phone:
Email Address:
Note: The following information is required to do the reading:
Birthdate: Month:    Day:    Year:  
City of Birth:
State/Province of Birth:   Time of Birth:   

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Evelyn H. Mack
Venus by Evelyn


all contents © copyright 2003-2024 Evelyn H. Mack
all rights reserved