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Saturday 12-21-2024
If today is your birthday, you are a Sagittarius.
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Forecast for: November 27, 2024 - December 31, 2024
Cancer (the Crab)
June 22 - July 22
New publishing efforts, or any project that generally disseminates what you have to say, are well begun now, and you may find the pressure is on to produce.
*** SPECIAL NOTATION FOR ALL SIGNS: Re: Planet Pluto – Effective: Dec 1-31, 2024 (and continuing) The tiny planet Pluto will bring aggressive transformation of extreme pressure; devastation; restoration to things that are broken, and replenishment of lack in an individuals’ life. This tiny planet is currently in the sign of Aquarius (the water-bearer) and its effects will not only transform Aquarius but will transform all other 11 signs of the zodiac. It is important to note: The transit is very slow-moving and takes many years before it exits a sign. Planet Pluto moves very-very slow through the zodiac; and, this means “it takes many-many decades to complete its cycle”. With this planet shift into the zodiac signs, you can also expect other “sudden unexpected” (tremendous) life-changes; so, be (mentally) prepared to deal with this suddenness.
*** CLUE FROM YOUR RULING CONSTELLATION “AL TARF”: Your ability and inclination to express yourself in person are way up, and you can make your case clearly and convincingly anytime and anywhere you show up.
*** COSMIC LUCKY DAYS THIS CYCLE: ----- 11-30-2024 thru 12-14-2024: Nov 30th and Dec 2 ----- 12-15-2024 thru 12-31-2024: Dec 29
*** NEW PLANET INFLUENCE RE PLANET JUPITER: Errors made in haste, speaking too forcefully, sharp words spoken on impulse, or accidents occurring due to restlessness and impatience are all possible at this time. - You feel that you have to fight for what you want or believe in, and you are very clear, decisive, and convincing right now, but you also tend to stir up more controversy or competitive feelings than is really necessary.
*** INFLUENCE HOUR FOR SILENT MEDITATION: ----- 11-30-2024 thru 12-14-2024: @ 9am ----- 12-15-2024 thru 12-31-2024: @ 7am
*** NEW MOON – DECEMBER 1ST Tonight, the New Moon will be located on the same side of the Earth as the Sun and will not be visible tonight in the sky. -– REMEMBER – PEN YOUR 8-10 item WISH LIST TODAY … … … Tonight, IS YOUR FIRST NEW MOON THIS MONTH you’ll be able to view the beautiful galaxies and star clusters because there is not supposed to be interference from the moon’s light!
*** “DAILY AFFIRMATION WORDS” - FOR ALL SIGNS ----- 11-30-2024 thru 12-14-2024: Favorable - Rewards ----- 12-15-2024 thru 12-31-2024: Grace – Blessings
*** PLANET JUP [ITER @ OPPOSITION – DECEMBER 7TH Planet Jupiter will be at is closest approach to the Earth and fully illuminated by planet Sun … this is a powerful aspect for all signs; as such, your Cosmic Message is this: - You feel temporarily blocked now. Resistance and challenges from others or from outside situations suggest this is not a good time to try to force your will and desires onto the world, as friction is the only likely result. Relations with men can be especially tense.
*** GEMINIDS METEOR SHOWERS – DECEMBER 13TH and 14th These are the most beautiful of ALL the star dances – Geminids are multi-colored dancing stars and they radiate in the sky from the constellation Gemini – Your Cosmic (star) message is this: - You are at cross purposes with the people in your environment who are most able to benefit you. You tend to come on too strong, to be oblivious to others' needs and intentions, or to act inappropriately now. You feel an urgency to take positive steps to achieve your goals, but be certain that you are not overstepping yourself, as this can cause considerable enmity at this time.
*** LONG RANGE FINANCIAL-PLANNING DATES: ----- 11-30-2024 thru 12-14-2024: Nov 30th and Dec 13 ----- 12-15-2024 thru 12-31-2024: Dec 15 16 23
*** FULL MOON – DECEMBER 15TH On tonight, this FULL MOON will be located on the opposite side of the Earth as the Sun and its face will be fully illuminated – it has 3 other names; it’s known as the LONG NIGHTS MOON, YULE MOON and FULL COLD MOON … … your Cosmic Message is this: - Withdrawing from emotional social contact is favored now, for even when you are with others you are likely to feel separate and alone. Sadness and disappointments in your personal life are also probable now. Inadequacies and flaws in your friends or lovers are particularly bothersome to you now, and you may feel that you have nearly exhausted your patience for dealing with these problems.
*** COSMIC “PROSPECTIVE RATINGS”: Love/love-commitment: ------------------ @ 90.50% … Emotions during crisis moments: ---------@ 00.25% … Intuition and inner-voice guidance: -------@ 90.00% …
*** DATES (RISK, GAMING, ETC.) – For your Sun sign caution and restraint are imperative … note that this information is only applicable when it comes to taking “risk” ……………… YOU ARE THE MASTER OF YOUR SOUL ………… Taking chances may not be something want to do this cycle - remember, if you decide to take a RISK – CONCERN AND WISE THINKING IS IMPERATIVE.
*** COSMIC EFFECTIVE “RISK” DATES ARE: ----- 11-30-2024: 10am to 9:11pm on Nov 30th (for all signs) ----- 12-01-2024 thru 12-14-2024: Dec 12 13 14 ----- 12-15-2024 thru 12-31-2024: Dec 16 23 29
** GREEN “Light” DATES (RISK, GAMING, ETC.) – ------- New knowledge of the Solar System and the movement of the ruling planet for all signs of the zodiac gives greater breath and new vitality for taking risk of all kinds; however, being wise is extremely imperative; and, at all cost: be mentally alert when it comes for finances … … again, at all cost, RESTRAINT, CAUTION AND ATTENTIVENESS IS IMPERATIVE. prudence” must be heeded with all “risk” undertakings!
*** ATTAINMENT IDEA THIS CYCLE: - ----- 11-30-2024: “Patience” ----- 12-01-2024 thru 12-14-2024: Graciousness ----- 12-15-2024 thru 12-31-2024: Thankfulness
*** WINTER SOLSTICE – DECEMBER 21ST Today (12/21) is the first day of the WINTER SEASON in the Northern Hemisphere – the South Pole is tilted toward the Sun … … your Cosmic Message today is this: - It is a time to be quiet and to look objectively at how your relationships are going. Though not a pleasurable time, this can be a fruitful period in which to learn more about love and what you truly value.
*** AFFIRMATION WORDS” – FOR ALL SIGNS: --- --- --- 11-30-2024: Certainty and Advantages --- --- --- 12-01-2024 thru 12-14-2024: Financial Gains --- --- --- 12-16-2024 thru 12-31-2024: Productively-Successful
*** SUPERIOR PLANETS INFLUENCES: Nov 26-Dec 07: Aspects from Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto have orbits larger than planet Earth, (THAT’S WHY THESE PLANETS ARE SO SUPERIOR) … … your Cosmic Message today is this: - This is a good time to spread your wings - perhaps travel, vacation, or get involved in something new. This is a wonderful time to socialize and meet new people. Unless other astrological influences at this time indicate differently, you will be in a relaxed, tranquil mood during this time.
*** URSIDS METEOR SHOWERS – DECEMBER 21ST and 22nd Tonight, the Ursid … … this is the last major shooting star shower for this 2024 year; and because the star dance radiates from the constellation Ursa Minor there’s a Cosmic Message for your sign which is this: - Your usual routine is likely to be disrupted now, either by "freak" accidents beyond your control or by your own impatience with the status quo. Sudden unexpected events, and breaking free of confining situations and relationships are very likely.
*** INFERIOR PLANET INFLUENCES”- Planets Mercury and planet Venus are “inferior planets” … … they are closer to planet Sun; (Inferior aspects are powerful) … … during this forecast cycle your Cosmic Message is this: - Currently it easy for you to express yourself boldly and confidently. You seem to care less about outside approval and this frees you to act on your own behalf or to do something you have not had the courage to attempt before. Your health and vitality are quite good, and you need physical outlets for your energies now.
*** MERCURY @ WESTERN ELONGATION – DECEMBER 25TH Planet Mercury reaches its greatest elongation from the Sun in the skies … this is a powerful planet aspect; as such, for your sign, your Cosmic Message is this: - You are optimistic, hopeful, and forward-looking at this time. You can see connections and possibilities you may have overlooked before. Now is a time for communicating your enthusiasm, sharing your plans and dreams and being more receptive to others' thoughts and point of view. Contracts, negotiations, and business dealings of all kinds are favored now.
*** NEW MOON – DECEMBER 30TH Tonight, the New Moon will be located on the same side of the Earth as the Sun and will not be visible tonight in the sky. -– REMEMBER – PEN YOUR 8-10 item WISH LIST TODAY … … … Tonight, IS YOUR SECOND NEW MOON THIS MONTH you’ll be able to view the beautiful galaxies and star clusters because there is not supposed to be interference from the moon’s light!
*** SPECIAL NOTATION - FOR ALL SIGNS THIS CYCLE: - New outer planet transit influences afford an interesting informative cosmic message for all signs of the zodiac; as such, the following applies: If possible, try to remain calm when engaged in those conversations that could get out of hand … … where possible do not get into verbal “negative” confrontations. … … Life is not worth being frustrated with foolishness this forecast cycle. - During heated debates – if you are present, “try not to allow petty issues to get you on and cause you to toss that cool attitude of yours to the wind” – remain focused and keep doing what allows you to feel the joys of peace”!
*** CHECK THIS WEBSITE FOR ADDITIONAL MESSAGES: - World Events ==== = www.venusbyevelyn.com/world events - Point of View ===== = www.venusbyevelyn.com/point of view - Passage ======== = www.venusbyevelyn.com/passage - Horoscopes====== = www.venusbyevelyn.com/horoscopes
*** MONTHLY HOROSCOPE ------- This horoscope posting for each zodiacal sign is based “specifically” on new planetary effects for the time period specified for this particular posting. Also, for this forecast cycle; 11-30-2024 THRU 12/31/2021 a close look at slower moving “outer planets” around each zodiacal sign is taken into consideration in order to give you accuracy; AND new planet aspects re the transit of “inner planets” and transit of the “toggling Moon phases” re its aspects for each zodiacal sign are also given special notation for accurate interpretation.
*** NEXT POSTING: -January 1st 2025
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