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Saturday 10-12-2024
If today is your birthday, you are a Libra.
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Forecast for: September 28, 2024 - October 27, 2024
Virgo (the Virgin)
August 22 - September 23
*** SPECIAL NOTATION FOR ALL BIRTH SIGNS: During year (2024) planet Pluto is currently in the sign of Capricorn (the goat); but, on November 19th this year, planet Pluto it will return to the water-bearer sign known as Aquarius. Planet Pluto will be in the sign of Aquarius for a very-very long time. ... The presence of Pluto in in Aquarius will remain until the 19th of November year 2043. Now ... ... this planet Pluto aspect has implications for all signs of the zodiac. Every zodiacal sign possesses a placement of planet Pluto. So ... ... during this forecast cycle (September 28th 2024 thru October 27th 2024) every zodiacal sign will face a cleansing (or removal) of something or someone from their lives. Whatever decisions you make this forecast cycle remember that “your successes are in your hands”!
*** PLANET PLUTO’S MESSAGE (09/28 thru 10/27) - Now is one of those times when you can go forth with your ideas from your still inner voice. Do what is best for your future (long term) planet Pluto will allow advantages: Reason, “there is no good outcome to remain continually in a compromise position with your efforts when you know you can do better! Even if a compromise is in order, aspects from planet Pluto will give you reasons to “not” concede to another individual’s point of view when you know you are being held back because of their efforts! – NOW IS NOT THE TIME TO “YIELD”! Whatever situations are holding you back from successful outcomes ... ... aspects for your birth sign from planet Pluto will allow you to move forward or you can remain in a no-win situation and falter with your successes. Remember, your accomplishments are in your hands!
*** PLANET PLUTO ASPECTS WILL CONSTRAIN FOR ALL BIRTH SIGNS: - THE FORECAST MESSAGE IS THIS: It is time for a change in the way you think and in what you do. These are critical days (September 28th 2024 thru October 27th 2024)) and your efforts may require patience and understanding in the actions you take that will have a long-term effect on your life.
*** FOR ALL SIGNS: Enjoy high energy from planet Pluto this cycle; but, “take note that making decisions (either mental or emotional) should be given careful consideration.” Your realizations are in your hands! An remember to avoid: over extending the monthly budget; and, avoid starting cold-arguments you know you will not be able to win! (just move on with your life). Remember: Your attainments are in your hands”!
*** COMPATIBILITY FOR YOUR BIRTH SIGN: a) Best Connector: Taurus, Capricorn and Leo b) Key: Why? (Enjoy being able to analyze every little thing) c) Symbol: The Maiden – the virgin of the zodiac d) Planet Ruler: Mercury – mentally grounded, love to investigate e) Sign Element: Earth: Mutable - a team-player, details (critical) *** THIS IS THE COSMIC “RELIEF CYCLE”: TO “LET IT GO”! --- -- EFFECTIVE: 09-28-2024 thru 10-08-2024: #1) if you are holding on to past hurts and pains let it go! #2) if you are holding on to some ideas of revenge – ignore-move on! #3) If you are struggling with the healing of a broken heart – let it go!
*** COSMIC EMPHASIS RE FROM THE CONSTELLATION “SPICA”: A vital time during which you will be able to clearly see the alternatives before you with a very clear mind. This is an excellent time for you to pursue studies and oversee projects. Your emotional and artistic side is in the background now.
*** FAVORABLE COSMIC NUMBERS FOR THIS CYCLE: -------- 09-28-2024 thru 10-08-2024: 0051 0022 0251 -------- 10-09-2024 thru 10-25-2024: 0221 0055 0009
*** THIS IS THE “RELEASE IT FOR GOOD CYCLE” EFFECTIVE: 10-09-2024 THRU 10-25-2024 #1) if you are involved in a wrong relationship, release it for good! #2) if you are waiting to close open (hurt) wounds release it for good! #3) if there are particular situations that you are use to handling yourself #4) If you can’t seem to do the necessary “mental” repaires that are needed (at this time in your life) – then release ALL those negative problems for good and go forth with assurance!
*** FOCUS WORD -FOR ALL SIGNS THIS FORECAST CYCLE; -------- 09-28-2024 thru 10-08-2024: Preservation -------- 10-09-2024 thru 10-25-2024: Concentration
*** DRACONIDS METEOR SHOWERS – OCT 7TH The Draconids star dance will radiate from the constellation “Draco” – (THE 2ND QTR Moon will not be visible on tonight but these showers will shower with an extreme glow; and, YOUR COSMIC MESSAGE IS THIS: - This is an excellent time to eliminate whatever is unnecessary and outworn in your life, from clutter and disorder in your environment, to an unhealthy relationship or even a long-held attitude or belief which keeps you from going after what you really want in life. *** FAVORABLE HOUR FOR MEDITATION/VISUALIZATION -------- 09-28-2024 thru 10-08-2024: @ 9am -------- 10-09-2024 thru 10-25-2024: @ 9am
*** FULL MOON – SUPER MON – OCT 17TH The Moon will be located on the opposite side of the Earth as the Sun and its face will be fully illuminated – [THIS IS THE 2ND OF 3 SUPERMOONS FOR THS YEAR] … … there’re other names for this moon – some call it THE FULL HUNTER MOON; some call it THE BLOOD MOON; and, some call it the TRAVEL MOON… YOUR COSMIC MESSAGE IS THIS: - This is your term because the emphasis is now on long-range financial planning, thinking about future security, and formulating strategies to achieve your ambitions. (don't wait, take time and formulate objectives that can be met and then go forth with your plans . think success, believe success and only trust your own inner-voice for confidentiality). Your ability to study quietly, to concentrate on complex mental work, and to think deeply about serious matters is much better than usual. This is a good time to organize your affairs and also to seek professional advice about your concerns only if you feel you can trust confidentiality) .
*** COSMIC POTENTIALS [% AVG] RE- VENUS ASPECTS -------- love and devotion --------------------@ 100% -------- emotions and passions --------------@ 00.25% -------- intuition and awareness --------------@ 99.75% -------- creativity and perception -------------@ 100% -------- work/career and effort/vocation------@ 99.25% -------- finances (gains -vs- loss) -------------@ 00.05%
*** SPECIAL NOTATION RE NEW PLANET ASPECTS: - Your vitality and self-confidence are high, and you can achieve your goals with much more ease than usual. You enjoy vigorous physical activities, competitive work or sports, and meeting challenges. You are inclined to strike out on your own and to assert your own will, but not in a way that creates resistance in others.
*** POWER DATES /INITIATE NEW OBJECTIVES: -------- 09-28-2024 thru 10-08-2024: 9/29 10/3 -------- 10-09-2024 thru 10-25-2024: 10/19
*** RISK (GAMING, Etc.) New knowledge of the Solar System and the movement of the ruling planet for your sign give greater breath and new vitality.
*** GAMING (RISK) - (RESOURCE) GREEN LIGHT DATES: -------- 09-28-2024 thru 10-08-2024: Sept 29 and Oct 5 -------- 10-09-2024 thru 10-25-2024: Oct 11 20 and 26
*** *** ABUNDANT MESSAGE: (Effect) Everything is worth a try for the next few weeks, and branching out to have a little of each is what it's all about. FOR ALL SIGNS ……. “You must use prudence with your risk undertakings,” as such, the following green light days are applicable as favorable.
*** (Favorable) DATES FOR BUSINESS TRANSACTIONS: -------- 09-28-2024 thru 10-08-2024: 9/30 -------- 10-09-2024 thru 10-25-2024: 10/25
*** ORIOINIDS METEOR SHOWERS – OCT 21ST - OCT 22ND this star dance radiates from the constellation Orion and the dance can appear any place in the skies MOON … YOUR COSMIC MESSAGE IS THIS: - Your vitality and self-confidence are high, and you can achieve your goals with much more ease than usual. You enjoy vigorous physical activities, competitive work or sports, and meeting challenges. You are inclined to strike out on your own and to assert your own will, but not in a way that creates resistance in others.
*** RULING PLANET ASPECT RATING: -------- 09-28-2024 thru 10-08-2024: -- Romance: @ 90.00% -- Finances: @ 65.00%
*** RULING PLANET ASPECT RATING: -------- 10-09-2024 thru 10-25-2024: -- Romance: @ 95.75% -- Finances: @ 65.25%
*** REMINDER: Horoscope postings this cycle is based “specifically” on planetary effects for the time period specified. --- --- A close look at the outer planets is taken into consideration in order to give you accuracy for (Cosmic Interpretations) for this specific time period. Also, note that all planet influences beginning precisely 12-noon (Universal time) SEPTEMBER 28TH 2024 thru midnight OCTOBER 25TH 2024 that pertains to your SUN sign and the placement of the Moon’s toggle Astro and Cosmic interpretations are also noted in these postings.
*** CHECK OUT THE OTHER PAGES ON THIS SITE: WORLD EVENTS …. (Predictions – information for around the world) POINT OF VIEW …. (Forecast of what’s to occur around the world) PASSAGE … … … … (Cosmic … “words of inspiration:”)
*** KEEPSAKE: Enjoy a prosperous forecast cycle – expect goodness, favors and blessings. Continue to use safe measures, hold firm to constructive rational because, positive thinking creates new realities. Go forth and gain the rewards that are rightfully yours. “Retain your glow”! Evelyn H. Mack, Forecaster
*** NEXT POSTING DATE: - 10-26-2024
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